Tag Archives: short stories

THREADS OF THE WAR by Jeremy Strozer

I obtained Volume I of Threads of the War: Personal Truth Inspired Flash-Fiction of The 20th Century’s War from the author after he contacted me via the contact form on my website asking about opportunities to promote his work. I told him I didn’t do that at this time, but that I did maintain a historical book review blog, so he sent me the electronic copy of his book. I also interviewed him for the Author Spotlight section of my author services website, which you can read here.

Jeremy Strozer’s Threads of the War Volume I contains numerous entertaining, easily digestible, and quick-to-read short stories based on real war-related historical events. Some of them are suspenseful and some are humorous, but all are engaging and interesting. I also enjoyed the parts that told the “real” stories behind his stories as well as the factual information and photographs included.

Threads of the War Volume I put me into these moments in history, and I greatly appreciated that they were moments, because they provided so much detail and intimacy that gets glossed over in public school history classes. These stories also reminded me that war involves people, and they allowed me to step into history as a breathing, feeling human being.

Volume II of Threads of the War was released in March, 2016. I have no reason to doubt that it, like Volume I, would appeal to all history buffs as well as anyone who enjoys stories based on fact. I read these stories quickly, so, on a can’t-put-it-down-scale of one for I couldn’t even finish it to ten for I was up until the wee morning hours, I give it an eight.

Source: Strozer, Jeremy. (2015). Threads of the War: Personal Truth Inspired Flash-Fiction of The 20th Century’s War. The Good Enough Empire, LLC.