Why I’ll never give a bad review

Photo by Margaret Ornsby, Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/60857146@N06/5546331816/
Photo by Margaret Ornsby, Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/60857146@N06/5546331816/

It probably won’t surprise you to know that I enjoy reading books. I usually have several going at the same time: a research book for my next book project, a historical fiction book, a business/book marketing book, and a writing craft book. When I’m done reading, I like to write reviews, especially the historical fiction since I’m basically “studying” those for my own projects.

It occurred to me not too long ago that I’ll never give a bad review. Not because I want to spare any feelings or because I’m trying to put forth a positive vibe. (I do those things, but that’s not the reason.)

The reason is because I believe I can only give a fair review if I read the entire book and give every word a chance. But I never finish reading “bad” books. If I’m not pulled in by the first few chapters or if something suddenly turns me off (like a recent book that seemed to be getting too soap-operish on me), I close it and put it away.

Life’s too short and there are too many “good” books out there to read to waste time on a “bad” one.

How do you read books? Will you never leave a bad review because you’ll never finish reading a “bad” book? Do you leave bad reviews without reading the entire book? Or are you one of those people who feels compelled to read a book all the way through once you start, no matter how bad it is?

I’d love to know. Just make a comment below.